As students prepare to close their books for the year, the construction industry prepares for its fun in the sun. When speaking about modular construction, administrators, who do their homework, know while their students are away, it is the perfect opportunity to prepare for the first day of the next year. A prime example, just last summer, North Thurston Public Schools broke ground on the first of their two Early Learning Centers in the middle of the summer. They opened their doors to three to five year olds, with eight complete classrooms, an occupational therapy room, administration offices and more; all in time for when the bell rang in September, on the campus of Mt. View Elementary School (video).
Pacific Mobile Structures
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5 Ways Modular Construction Can Save Your Company Time
Summer is upon us, but thanks to modular construction, companies are not too late to plan their summer construction project. One of the main benefits of modular construction remains time savings; from start to finish, regardless of your industry needs. A perfect example, just last year, the Richland School District in Eastern Washington broke ground on an entire school campus in May. It opened the doors to almost 600 students, for the first day of school, September 1, 2015, at Three Rivers HomeLink (video).